Intro Blog

 Blogging is still not exactly my thing. But it's a lot like talking and I do talk a lot. Blogging is just like putting your exact thoughts on paper. Or should I say on laptop. I've found it easier lately to just write everything down. I've even considered writing a book. I'm Nylamarie. At first being in this class I didn't really know what to expect but moving forward I'm starting to enjoy it. I'm glad that I'm in this class. It opens many doors being in the Cambridge  program. Being in media studies allows me to explore my future. I'm going to be an actress however, being in this class shows me the behind the scenes. Like a directors point of view. Eventually I may even want to direct a film. It seems like it's easy but actually going out and doing it is more complex then it may seem. Learning how to use new tools in this class is exciting. I'm the type of person who loves to learn about new things no matter the subject. I'm always looking for something new to do instead of sticking to the same things. Doing a music video is going to be an interesting project to complete. I can't wait to see the outcome and how I've improved from my last project. 


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