Title Research: Whatever It Takes
Whatever it takes is a 2000's teen romance movie that I found on artofthetitle.com. This website is very resourceful. It contains many movie openings to many different genres in all different years. This helps because you can really see how the movie industry changed over time.
What titles are displayed during the opening sequences?
First there is a blank screen with only the name of the producers. Afterward music plays and the title comes up with the background image of makeup continuing with the names of the actors. Then the team that helped, casting, co-producers, costume design etc.
What images are prioritized in the opening sequences?
2 minutes of the opening is used on a girl getting ready. Having many images of the her makeup and brushes and clothing. There are 2 establishing shots in the opening, one of the houses of the girl and her male neighbor. Then another of the school they go to. Also an image of them getting into and being in the car.
What connotations do these images carry?
They show that the girl is a very girly girl. She takes her time to get ready, it gives the audience the idea that she cares a lot about her look. It also shows they are still young but old enough to drive so maybe in their later teen years.
How does the film establish a feeling of the genre from the outset?
The opening is very happy, the actors seem to be enjoying getting ready to go to school. They seem to be good friends, they joke around a lot and it seems to be a common thing that they ride to school with each other.
What strategies are used to ensure the film appeals to it's target audience?
The actors are joyful and there is happy music in the background while they smile and joke around. This connects to an audience that like movies that contain happy situations.
How has technology been used effectively?
Stop motion was used in the very beginning which I think was very cool and different. The establishing shot of the two people meeting up was also very nice unlike most establishing shots where they just show the area. I believe this one was different because they introduced a new character during it.
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