Title Research: Grease

Grease 1978 is a romance movie that they had on artofthetitle.com. On this website was the opening sequence of the movie. The overall website has tons of opening sequences and many different ideas for title designs. The movie Grease is one of my favorite movies and the opening is iconic. 

What titles are displayed during the opening sequences? 

First the title of the movie is shown on screen. Then the two main characters names. Afterward the rest of the important cast. Then who the music is by, lastly the producers, who its edited by and directors.

What images are prioritized in the opening sequence?

The images of the actors, images of cars and the establishing shot of the school at the end. 

What connotations do these do these images carry?

In a way they show the personality of each character. Showing their bedroom and how they get ready in an animated opening. Followed by their headshot also in an animated version. 

How does this film establish a feeling of the genre from the outset?

The opening for this film does not do a good job at making sure the genre is set across. However, it does set a very fun feel to it. The song in the opening is a song that would get the audience excited with it's upbeat tempo. 

What strategies are used to ensure the film appeals to it's target audience? 

The music used in this part of the movie is very upbeat and does create a fun sense. The music alone can interest to it's target audience of people that enjoy good endings. 

How has technology been used effectively? 

The editing of each clip is amazing. Especially since it's all animated, using the editing to make their images move efficiently.



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