Genre Research- Coming of age

 Coming of age

CAMS- Most coming of age films don’t have camera work in their opening sequences but when they their CAMS would be..

  • Tracking Shots (always following the main character some where)
  • Pan (main character maybe being followed from the side)
MIS-EN-SCENE- not a lot of this in an opening sequence but when there is it’s normally…
  • costumes are pretty casual teenage clothing, nothing out if the ordinary 
  • makeup is natural, nothing dramatic unless the character has a specific look to portray
  • props would be based on scenes, if they are at school then they’d have a bag, or a phone
  • lighting all depends on location, and the mood of the scene. sadder scenes, darker lighting. happier scenes, brighter lighting
  • the acting always depends on the plot, which is normally depending on whether the main character is a girl or boy
  • if there is acting in the opening sequence, then it would probably be acting that misleads the audience from what the actual plot of the movie is
  • editing is a huge one. Most opening sequences in coming to age films are just editing. If the coming to age film is a movie surrounding a girl finding here way through high school, you will probably see a montage of girl products like makeup, clothes, boys, magazines and what not. Each product while find a way to present the main actors, producers and directors. 
  • Sometimes opening sequences in live action coming of age movies are animated into something that symbolizes a significant part of the plot, or vibe the movie should give off
Sound- The sound is always the same, unless the movie is sad which is rare. The music is always a upbeat, lively song that is hinting at some kind of action or excitement 

Good examples of coming to age films would be 
-Edge of seventeen
-Lady Bird
-Driving Lessons

I love the incorporation of live action in opening sequences, it isn't teasing. We get to see our characters and get an understanding of the film before it starts 

I don’t like the type of music, because sometimes the music has nothing to do with the plot 


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