Roll Call!
Back to blogging! Honestly my favorite part of the whole journey. I get to go back and see how I progressed over the year(s). Right now we're really starting to make our short film come to life. This time I'm also very excited to be working with my friends. Today we didn't get to do as much because we all had work after school. However, I had work later than them so I got to talk to the potential cast. When we were planning this short film we had a cast in mind but we didn't get to ask them if they would be in the short film. I would play the lead roll so that was already set. I then asked our mutual friend, Tristan, to play the role of the boyfriend. He agreed and said that would be fine, we just have to let him know when we are going to start filming. I then asked my mom if she would play the role as my mom. She proceeded to tell me she does so everyday, so then I explained our short film to her. I even showed her the storyboard, and she said when we all have time we can come together at my house and film it. Also agreeing to play the role as the mom. Last but not least I asked Office Johnson, a police officer that we all know, if he would be able to help us out with our ending part if he ever has time. He also said yes and to let him know when he is needed. The only part I am a little worried about is finding a Publix employee to help us out. Although I use to work there and I know a few people but I'm not sure if that's enough to get them to help us with a short film. Hopefully we can find someone that will be willing to help us out.
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