The Blues
Today Rashell and I talked about the music in class. Together we decided on the background music. We knew it had to be more of a slow song because the plot of the short film is sad. Most slow songs are sad or give more feeling to something. With that we looked into such music. We went through several Adele songs but couldn't seem to find something we felt was right. Since that didn't work we decided to take a break and scroll through Tik Tok. Tik Tok is a social media app that contains 15 second to 3 minute videos. The videos contain audios, which for the most part is a clip of a song. Although this was just supposed to be a break it became much inspiration. We found songs by Billie Eilish that I liked a lot. One song called My future, by Billie, caught my interest but we decided to keep looking. We swiped through Tik Tok for the rest of study hall and later texted each other with our suggestions. We got on a group facetime call, Rashell, David and I, and discussed what song we wanted to use. Finally we came to an agreement with the song 'Forth of July', by Sufjan Stevens. It's a song that I feel relates to the lack of love the lead role feels throughout the short film. Now we have to ask permission to use this song and hopefully add it in when we begin editing. If not we're going to have to ask permission for our back-ups. If worse comes to worse we will use free music that we find on the internet. As long as it's slow I feel like it can really tell/add to the story. Dragging out the effect of the sadness that the short film brings and iis supposed to make the audience feel.
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