Nylamarie Belle    A-level Media studies     CR

            The production that we put together was made to make people feel something. In which maybe anger, sadness, or acceptance. Allowing people to feel like they’re not alone in a depressing situation. It opens people up to different emotions and how they can quickly change in certain scenarios. It also shows people how so much can happen in one day and in a way makes the audience feel like you should never judge someone else’s situation. It points out mental health and how it may be ignored. Some reasons as to why mental health issues may begin, in this case feeling alone in the world due to everyone you know and love leaving your side. Also, the fact that some people may try to reach out but struggle too because they feel like they’re asking to much from the person. Which should never be the issue, because if one person does not listen and help someone will. Sometimes people attempt to reach out to a loved one or a very trusted friend, which may not always help due to people not understanding or wanting to help. One should never stop trying to reach out and open up to someone. The production represents the overall bad day of a teenager. Which was purposely done to show just because you’re not an adult does not mean you can have issues. At any age people can go through things and although it may be things that older people go through there is still a large possibility that kids go through them. It represents the young people that are always overlooked because they are stereotypically too young to stress or be depressed/mental illnesses. With overlooked emotional issues as children, when growing up people cannot fully develop without accepting, getting help, and healing from the trauma.

            The production buildings on a series of unfortunate events to create a sense of causes of trauma built mental health issues. It starts with the main character being alone, no friends, no family. In which she does not look happy about and instead looks upset or angry that she is out alone. She gets home, where the area is supposed to be her safe space and peace, to her mother beginning to yell at her. This is where the loudness and lack of communication begins, showing the audience a toxic relationship between the mother and daughter. It leads to the breaking of important relationships. While this is not often looked at as factors leading to depression it can often drag people down making them less motivated and can cause the person to fall into a deep depression. It causes grieving of someone very much alive and learning to live without people that were in your daily lives. This is most often a large issue because of some people’s hard time with change and adaptation, also some people not knowing how to be comfortable with being alone or without certain people for long periods of times. It can lead to trust issues, abandonment issues, or even the overthinking of failure; or the constant thought(s) “What is wrong with me”, “Am I the issue”, “What did I do wrong”.

            The production engages the audience through emotion. The constant anger and sadness through out the film shows others that not everything is happy or excitement. It shows the normality in having a horrible day and having feelings that relate to them. As the film progresses it keeps the audience on their feet thinking that something good has to happen to her. However, it leads the audience through a drag of horrible situations throughout the rest of the lead character’s day. I believe this makes the audience a little more shocked due to their being no happy scenes and no one there to comfort the lead. It also brings in a large, surprising ending which can leave the audience with mixed emotions or different emotions causing a debate between the people that seen it. The audience gets to see a girl trying her best to stay strong and put together despite everything going on within the day. She goes to confine in two different people that she has learned to love and trust. When she feels as if she can no longer go to either of these people the unimaginable happens where she must learn to grieve someone who can never come back. There have been so many situations in which a death has caused people to overthink about themselves and the last thing they did/said to the person/people. Recently my aunt passed away from cancer, I could not go see her the last time my mom went to see her due to school and work. I felt guilty, like I should have made time. There was nothing I could do about it; I spoke with my mom, and she mentioned that at least the last time I seen her I was with the happy healthy her. Although this is not the same situation, the feeling of guilt still last within the character, which is what people who have lost a loved one can relate to. No matter the relationship if someone that played a role in your life is one day gone you can’t help but to think that something should have been done differently. Even on bad terms, if you love someone you should tell them.

            With our research, it is shown that most films have a comfort moment. A moment where the lead role or characters get a break from the miserable life they’re living. In this case we went against the social norms and got into progressively getting worse and ending on a sad note, which is also different due to most production at the very least changing the end to something on a more positive note. We did, however, use the process of several emotions and actions causing changes in emotions for our lead role. The main character, like in such films, started off very strong and acting as if she’s not really bothered by much, as if she just ignores surrounding areas to protect her peace. As the film goes on it is seen that this character has their walls broken down as they show more and more feelings towards situations and the character showing that they care about what’s going on in life.



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