At last I see the lights!

Today we went to film again! But this time at a different location. We went to the area where all the lights are. It was such a nice place. They had a cat cafe, which was closed at night. They had a taco truck out. Also a they had a pizza place with an outside sitting patio. Overall it was a very nice place. However it seems like there was not as many lights as we expected. Yet, that was ok. We made it work and still filmed what we needed to hear. Rashell used her phone to record. Including the ending scene. Afterward we enjoyed the area and got some AMAZING tacos! We watched over the clips and redid anything we didn’t like. It was so much fun. I’m glad I decided to work with my friends instead of by myself. They are making the whole experience 10 times better and even more fun. I can’t wait to finish filming and see the finish product. I know together we’re going to make this phenomenal.