Coming to our end
We've pretty much finished out our project. I played my part as actor in the physical film. Other than that, I helped with the storyboard and website and the planning of the production. I'm glad I got to work with my friends this time. Especially on such a big project. It really took a load off. I feel we all helped out equally. Never leaving one person with too much. David and Rashell are editing the clips to Rashell's visiom. I think it's coming out pretty good. I helped out with some transitions. I also suggested a couple things I felt we could make a little better in the editing process. This time since I didn’t edit and only helped with what I could I feel as if I was missing something. However I think it’s good that we really left editing up to David. He’s pretty good at the tech areas. I've learned that sometimes it’s better to work with people. They can make the process more fun. Also quicker and easier. I personally liked the outcome. I would definitely do...